You Can Teach Bully Prevention with the Kidini Teacher Kit
Read the Stories,Sing the Songs, Learn Real Life Escapes to Safety Kidini Karate is a research-based child enrichment program offering a unique opportunity for parents, schools, child care centers, and community centers to educate children ages 3-8 about bullying and childhood safety. Kidini Karate Researched by the Delaware Education Research & Development Center, University of Delaware. Titled ; Helping children learn self protective skills The Kidini Karate Educator Kit introduces children to Kidini Karate Team ,eight (8) friendly characters, each one uniquely skilled to recognize avoid and escape troublesome or dangerous situations. Through individual character lessons and easy to sing-a-long songs children will be guided through the steps each member must take in order to stay safe. Kidini Karate is a fun, educational and interactive way to empower children with the knowledge to prevent him or her from becoming bullied, injured or abused. The Kidini Karate Kit includes , Parent & Child Bully Prevention Child Safety Activity Book (ages3-8) Kidini Karate Teacher Manual with lesson plans for Bully Prevention & Child Self Defense Escapes Kidini Bully Prevention Stories & Lyrical Safety Lessons Music CD 8 Kidini Karate Team Animal Character Awards 1 Kidini Karate Member Certificate